

Posisi saya saat ini sebagai direktur dan pemilik PT Spentera, sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bidang penetration test, incident response, intrusion analysis and forensic investigation. Saya juga berkontribusi untuk repositori eksploit Metasploit Framework sebagai pengembang kode eksploit. Saat ini memegang sertifikasi dari Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), Offensive Security Certified Expert (OSCE), ISO/IEC ISMS 27001: 2013 Lead Auditor/Auditor, GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst (GCIA), dan Offensive Security Exploitation Expert (OSEE). Jika ingin menghubungi saya dapat melalui email bisnis di tom at spentera dot id atau pribadi di me at modpr0 dot be

Remove Comments from Configuration

Sometimes when you want to config something, it contains the comments from the developer which will help us to figured out which options of arguments will be used. But if you are already familiar with the configuration, comments are so…

Very Simple FTP Fuzzer

Written in Python, i try to make a simple fuzzer for FTP server. This script will try to fuzz the commands like APPE, USER, LIST, CWD, can find all commands here 😉 This script is simply a modified version…

How to: SQLMap (dump and destroy)

SQLMap is the tool to automate SQL Injection vulnerability exploitation. This tool is very popular to exploit the SQL Injection vulnerability. While most of web hacker enthusiast knew about this tool to gather information and retrieves the tables information, i…

OWASP ModSecurity Core Ruleset

ModSecurity is a good starting point to secure your web site. OWASP provides the core rule set (CRS) for ModSecurity rules against the most critical web application attack. From OWASP: ModSecurity is an Apache web server module that provides a…