Tag tips

Proxychains on OSX Mountain Lion

EDITED: Link below is not working anymore. To install Proxychains, you can install it directly using brew Here is the step-by-step solution to get it works: Setup a working directory, I’m using ~/build-temp/ Download Proxychains from here (you may using…

MSF PostgresQL Problem on BT5

If you read this post then I bet you have the same problem with me. When I tried to run the msfconsole on my BT5 I have this buggy information. Seems that the MSF could not connect to Postgres database…

Useful Addresses When Dealing with ROP

Saya nulis ini supaya ga lupa. Sebenarnya bisa dicari lagi sih alamat ini, cuma lebih enak klo udah ada disini tanpa nyari lagi khan?!. Sejumlah alamat yang dipake untuk tehnik ROP, sbb: VirtualAlloc() Secara sederhana, fungsi VirtualAlloc() akan mengalokasikan memory…

Remove Comments from Configuration

Sometimes when you want to config something, it contains the comments from the developer which will help us to figured out which options of arguments will be used. But if you are already familiar with the configuration, comments are so…

Secure Browsing Dengan SSH Tunnel

Tehnik ini saya gunakan ketika memakai akses internet di area publik seperti Wireless Hotspot. Yup, secure browsing kali ini menggunakan SSH Tunnel. Tehnik yang menarik karena SSH bisa “ditebengin” dengan paket lain, sehingga paket yang “nebeng” protokol SSH juga ikut…