Dump Windows System Info

When you were asked to collect all Windows system information such as list of users, services, software installed and its version, Windows update history, etc..probably you wanted to see these tools:

System Information Collector

SAM/Password Extractor

Note:If you familiar with reverse engineering, make those HackTool/PUA undetectable is the best choice 😀
Using Metasploit and attack your target system. Meterpreter payload contains lot of user scripts that can be useful to dig system info. I suggest the attack against Internet Explorer since it may not harm the system/service running.
J. Dravet wrote various techniques in order to retrieve the passwords, and of course it depends on your goal, use it wisely.
Good luck 🙂


Posisi saya saat ini sebagai direktur dan pemilik PT Spentera, sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bidang penetration test, incident response, intrusion analysis and forensic investigation.

Saya juga berkontribusi untuk repositori eksploit Metasploit Framework sebagai pengembang kode eksploit. Saat ini memegang sertifikasi dari Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), Offensive Security Certified Expert (OSCE), ISO/IEC ISMS 27001: 2013 Lead Auditor/Auditor, GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst (GCIA), dan Offensive Security Exploitation Expert (OSEE).

Jika ingin menghubungi saya dapat melalui email bisnis di tom at spentera dot id atau pribadi di me at modpr0 dot be

Articles: 64

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